Bike lanes enhance neighborhoods | Letters To Editor |

2022-10-09 12:47:28 By : Ms. Bobby Qian

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Mostly cloudy early, then sunshine for the afternoon. High around 70F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph..

A few clouds. Low 53F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.

A recent letter writer claimed the Humboldt Street bike lanes in North Central were “deserted” and that, in three months he “has yet to see” a bike using the lanes. I invite him to spend time on my block of Humboldt: I see bicyclists all day, every day.

On a recent five minute morning dog walk along our block, I counted 10 southbound bikes and eight northbound, all between 9-10 a.m. He took a swipe at the “backpack lobby,” whatever that is. I saw people cycling in work coveralls; moms cycling with kids in bike seats; kids cycling to school. The bike lanes are being used and are clearly useful to people of all kinds living in this neighborhood.

I do agree that the city’s promise to follow-up with an array of solutions to parking loss has been poor. A very well attended neighborhood meeting, billed as a way to explore solutions to the parking loss, shed little light and left most participants I talked to frustrated. The moderators seemed interested in a different agenda, however laudable.

Mitigation actions needed are staring us in the face: a permit program to ensure equitable access to street parking by neighborhood residents; better policies on commercial vehicle parking; marking of parking spots; and enforcement of these as well as existing parking time limits. I don’t see much evidence of effort by the city to tackle these tougher needs. If they’re working on it, we residents aren’t hearing about it.